How this Blog is sorted

I have used dating to re-organise how this blog is laid out. The first 7 postings (the ones about the trip are in reverse date order so the 1st posting up here is the 1st blog about the trip and so on until post 7

After that they are posted as normal so they are newest posting 1st. I hope that makes some sort of sense to everyone.

Wednesday, 17 September 2008

Music for a Mission

Well "Music for a Mission" is completed, the artwork is back and the CD's look great, well they sound great too...

The idea for the CD came about as a way to try and raise the money needed to go to Mozambique with my Church in November of this year. I don't have the money to go, but I believe that I should go and after a chat with Mission Team Leader, I asked some special friends and my beautiful wife if they would help me. All of my friends are only too happy to get rid of me for a few weeks and said yes. After a little planning we recorded Piano. Drums and guide vocals at Sutton Baptist Church one evening in July, then Skip came round during a few days of August and laid down the bass and lead guitar. Over the next few weeks, Skip Amy and Mrs EB recorded most of the main vocals, Gaynor came round and recorded her lead vocal. A Friday evening was set aside and a few friends came by and sang the choir parts. Amythen came round and sung her song beautifully and also played Flute and recorder. I then spent a few days mixing, remixing running down to the car listening to the mixes, then tweaking.

I then spent time in Photoshop doing the artwork, asking Mrs EB to spell check then tweaks then respell check. The result is "Music for a Mission" a 9 track album of Contemporary Christian worship music and a bonus track written By Mrs EB and Timelord called "Praise You Again" I am asking for a minimum £10 donation plus P&P all Monies will go to my Mission fund and remaining Monies will go to my Church's Mission Fund to support our mission partners or for future missions.

Track Listings

Happy Day
On Holy Ground
These are the Days of Elijah
Never Let Go
Your Love has Lifted Me
You Give Rest to the Weary
Be Thou My Vision
There is a Hight Throne

Bonus track

Praise You Again

Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Blown Away

Every now and then I get moved and this evening I was moved to tears. I belong to a Church where God is moving and working miracles within the Youth. I am so proud of these guys and the way they are going for it. Well this evening two of the young Ladies asked me to watch a video they had produced....
Facebook Video I don't know if you can see this if you are not a friend of these guys on Facebook though.
Please watch it and enjoy.